My Green Blog - Pairing Healthy Sleep with Healthy Living – Page 25 – My Green Mattress

My Green Blog

02 Mar

DIY Mattress Freshening

At least one third of our lives is spent sleeping on a mattress. Add in time spent reading, watching television, cuddling, nursing, and playing on one and the amount of time that we spend on...

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01 Mar

Organic Cotton-it makes a difference!

Thankfully, the importance of eating organic foods is becoming common knowledge. With links to cancer, infertility, mental illnesses and the like, ingesting the chemicals commonly used on foods is toxic. What people are becoming increasingly...

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08 Feb

Sweet Sleep

Some call me a “crunchy” mom, but I am just a “caring” mom. I may seem a bit of an against-the-grain-er, and I like to find out the TRUTH on my own..In my most recent search for this elusive gem, I wanted to look into the SIDS issue that has affected so many lives and families. As I am a seeker, my biggest question was: “What, if anything, can we do to take precautions against this?" Read more →
01 Feb

Help Your Child Make the Big Kid Bed Move

While there is no ‘right’ age for moving your child into his or her own big kid bed, there does come a point where it’s simply necessary for one reason or another. The appropriate time...

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29 Jan

Why change the Pure Echo?

Our main focus at My Green Mattress is not only to provide a healthy chemical-free mattress, but to also make it as comfortable as possible. Last year we upgraded our inner-spring unit to a posturized...

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