My Green Blog - Pairing Healthy Sleep with Healthy Living – Page 24 – My Green Mattress

My Green Blog

04 May

Six Simple Steps for the Overwhelmed Woman

Are you an overwhelmed mom or a burdened, working-from-home woman? Well, I want to share some helpful secrets with you. These are things I try to do each day that have truly made my life...

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30 Apr


Five summers ago, I began thinking about unplugging. I knew that I was spending too much time on the computer, texting, or with the television on, and too little time with the people that I love. Read more →
22 Apr

Is Odor an Issue for Natural Wool Mattresses?

Many natural materials, like wool, have their own natural odor that is nontoxic. Some people are more sensitive to this smell than others. Wool is hygroscopic, which means it easily absorbs moisture, causing the natural odors to be more noticeable in humid climates. Read more →
30 Mar

DIY Natural Electrolyte Drink

We’ve been living with the stomach bug in our household for two weeks now. It’s something that I knew would probably be showing up, as we decided to take the kids for a weekend to...

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10 Mar

The Stars of Sleep

The BEST Natural Sleep Remedies It happens to us all. Sometimes there are nights where it seems impossible to either fall asleep AND stay asleep. We can will ourselves all we want, but when it comes down...

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