My Green Blog - Pairing Healthy Sleep with Healthy Living – Page 12 – My Green Mattress

My Green Blog

18 Dec

Bedtime Stories Are Not Just for Children Anymore

Some people have a habit of reading a little (or a lot) before they settle down to sleep. For people who have trouble falling asleep, it is a good habit to develop. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention includes "read a soothing book" in a list of ways to relax before sleeping. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a relaxing reading ritual prepares your body for sleep, helps you fall asleep faster, and improves sleep quality. The adult bedtime story has the same effect on grownups as Goodnight Moon has on children. Read more →
04 Dec

The Secret Dangers of Snoring

Snoring is often seen as something almost humorous - and as something which is more of a concern for its affect on your partner or the friend you're sharing a hotel room with. It is...

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14 Nov

Restful Sleep & Easing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) still affects more than 200,000 Vietnam veterans on a daily basis, and countless other combat-worn veterans from more recent conflicts. Of the total of those veterans affected, about 90% report having trouble sleeping or having difficulty relaxing, a compounding set of issues that worsen their overall health and wellness. Recent studies are showing that restful sleep and easing PTSD are connected, and many of those affected are looking for a non-pharmaceutical way to finally get some rest. Connecting the dots between restful, complete sleep and easing the symptoms of PTSD is becoming more relevant as more research is done on the disorder and the events leading up to initial diagnosis. In this post we hope to offer some information on sleep, PTSD, and how sufferers can get back to resting peacefully at night. Read more →
06 Nov

What May Be Lurking Inside Your Child's Mattress

Children need healthy sleep for enough hours for them to incorporate all they learned during the day into their long-term memory. According to the Sleep Foundation, one-year-olds need 11 to 14 hours of sleep, school-age children between 9 and 11, and teens between 8 and 10 hours. In addition to memory retention, children need enough sleep for optimal development and alertness. Researchers believe that too little sleep affects growth and weakens the immune system. Read more →
30 Oct

5 Reasons People Sleep Better In a Clean Room

Do you struggle to get enough shut-eye and deal with drowsiness during the day? This is not uncommon. In fact, one-third of adults report they don't get enough sleep. One easy way to help you sleep better is keeping your room clean. Here are 5 reasons why people sleep better in a clean room. Read more →

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