My Green Blog - Pairing Healthy Sleep with Healthy Living – Page 11 – My Green Mattress

My Green Blog

29 Jan

Valentine's Day For The Eco-Friendly Couple

More and more, the importance of being conscious of the state of our environment is making its way into every aspect of our lives. Many couples enjoy Valentine's Day with fancy gifts and extravagant meals but some are more interested in staying true blue to our ecosystem. We wanted to give you some suggestions on ways you can share a loving, memorable and eco-friendly Valentine's Day with the one you love. Read more →
22 Jan

How to Recycle - Even When Your City Doesn't Have a Program

You can analyze your consumerism in light of reducing the amount of stuff you throw away, regardless of whether there is a recycling program or not.

This can be thought of under the umbrella of "recycling without the middle man." It can also be thought of as a blessing in disguise, because in this case the unfortunate reality of your city not having a recycling program, may actually lead you to a deeper and renewed commitment to live an eco-friendly lifestyle beyond the recycling bin.

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08 Jan

A Sense of Sleep: Your 5 Senses Can Impact Your Slumber

Your bedroom should always be an oasis; a place where slumber comes naturally and restful nights are spent lounging in luxurious linens. Then, why do you find yourself tossing and turning uncomfortably all night long? Why are you waking in the morning sore, or still feeling exhausted? What is keeping you up at night? Believe it or not, your bedroom could actually be the culprit. Read more →
02 Jan

All Natural Practices for Relieving Jet Lag And Getting Back on Track

In a season of travel, even the healthiest practices can be derailed by the experience of jet lag. When traveling between time zones, our bodies become out of balance and expect a different sleep schedule than we usually get. Rather than relying on intense sleep aids with unfamiliar ingredients, or an oversupply of caffeine, consider these remedies that can help you get back into your daily routine quickly and confidently. Read more →
28 Dec

Practical Detoxing Post Holiday Season

The Holidays are a delightful time of friends, family and often times way too much indulgence. The cookies, sugary drinks and heavy cream on top of the pie all adds up. The Holidays can leave us feeling heavier, with less energy and tired. Luckily, there are many detoxing methods that you can try to alleviate these feelings. Detoxes are gaining popularity due to their refreshing effects and cleansing qualities. Read more →

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